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What are the characteristics of the industry of cotton swab ?
Purified cotton swabs and called, is a kind of clean cotton production in the clean room of the sign. Purified cotton are usually highly absorbent, toughness, wear resistance and other characteristics, do not scratch was wiping device, no crumbs. Purified cotton is generally refers to the medical absorbent cotton and refined bamboo rod or pole processed cotton head, strong water absorption, full of disinfectant, disinfectant can wipe the skin to achieve uniform, disinfection effect, suitable for injection and surgical dressing for skin disinfection, but also can be used for cosmetics and makeup with.
industry cotton swab
Particles and liquid into the cotton hole, can not be dropped or easily extrusion, good locking ability is good, clean room cleaning supplies production, in the production process of special environment (cloth to wipe and clean the elimination of pollutants). After cleaning chemical residue levels are low. Combustible, easy processing, no harm to the environment and environmental protection. Most of the cleaning cotton swab is conducting, can keep the operator and grounding tool.