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ESD Safe Swabs for Critical Environments and Clean Rooms

Every time we go shopping in Walmart, we can notice that there always some boxes of swabs place on the shelf before the cashier desk, and sometimes we even buy some home for various usage. That kind of swab is usually made of cotton, and has a valid name - Cotton Buds. However, there still some different swabs we may not see frequently, but not less important than the cotton buds, that’s ESD safe clean room swab.

ESD safe cleanroom swab is kind of wiping consumable that is widely used in electronics, optic- electronics, micro-electronics and semiconductor industry. The head material of the swab is either foam or non-woven fabric while the handle is usually made of polypropylene. That’s most different from the cotton bud, and it’s favored by the feature of no fiber shedding and abrasion resistant with good solvent compatibility. It is completely processed and packaged under a class of 100 air–stream cleanroom, and for a better cleanness, it’s always washed in reverse osmosis, deionized water to lower the particles and ion content.

ESD safe cleanroom swab, or also called Anti static swabs, on the other hand, it’s combustible and easily degradable. That is most important for the environmental protection. ESD safe wabs is used to clean the corner, crack, slot and other confined areas of precision parts that are static sensitive. The ESD cleanroom swab, with its unique characters, is now getting accepted by more and more people and applied in various industries.