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What are the typical features of the printer cleaning swabs?
printer cleaning swabs characteristics:
- No silicon, ammonia, and phthalic acid, dioctyl ester (the DOP)
- Low non-volatile residue
- Low particulate and ionic content
- Good solvent locking
- Compatible with most solvent
- Without glue or varnish pollution .
printer cleaning swabs use:
- Micro-mechanical cleaning
- Clear hard contaminants, circuit boards, optical lenses and other electronic products
- Clear static-sensitive components the pollutants (polypropylene rod with anti-static function)
- Equipped with a solvent such as isopropanol (IPA), can effectively clean the position of small and difficult to
- Clear outflow residue and excess material
- Suitable for wiping product small holes, grooves ,general cleaning purposes and so on...